Thursday, December 16, 2010

Now that holidays are very close I invite you to read last year article in this blog on the topic Christmas.

Christmas is a time of joy and of overeating too. We eat lots of sweets and most of the time we forget about healthy habits.

A group of 2 º ESO students have asked their partners about their healthy habits . It may surprise you that half of the interviewed students , whatever their age, eat junk food (comida basura) twice a week. Or that only 50% of them practice any sport at all, talking about teenagers this number should be higher, don't you think so?






you brush your teeth every morning?
70 %

90 %100 %100 %100 %
Do you eat two
pieces of fruit everyday?
40 %

40 %60 %80 %80 %
Do you practice
any sport?
60 %

50 %50 %50 %50 %
Do you eat pizza
or hamburgers twice a week?
60 %80 %30 %50 %50 %

Affirmative answers

At least most of them brush their teeth and eat fruit everyday!

How about you? Do you think that hamburgers or pizza could be healthy too?

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